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Archives: Results

SNS Lunchtime Webinar 4: Stream B2 & B3 projects addressing: Wireless Communications and Signal Processing & Communication Infrastructure and Devices

March 6, 2023

Invited Talk: “Hybrid reconfigurable intelligent Surfaces: From channel estimation improvement to self-optimization”

February 25, 2023

Tutorial: “Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces and holographic MIMO transceivers: Current status and future directions”

February 23, 2023

Lecture: “Integrated sensing and communications with multi-functional reconfigurable metasurfaces”

February 9, 2023

BSA-OMP: Beam-Split-Aware Orthogonal Matching Pursuit for THz Channel Estimation

February 7, 2023

ETSI Research Conference: Maximizing the Impact of European 6G Research through Standardization

February 6, 2023

Invited Talk: “Localization, sensing, and their integration with reconfigurable intelligent surfaces”

January 18, 2023