Our first measurement campaign yielded remarkable outcomes, and we are pleased to present them! 🚀🚀
In this article, we first present and characterize three RIS prototypes with 100×100 unit cells of half-wavelength inter-cell spacing, which were optimized to offer a specific non-specular reflection with 1-, 2-, and 3-bit phase quantization at 304 GHz. The designed static RISs were considered in an indoor channel measurement campaign carried out with a 304 GHz channel sounder. Channel measurements for two setups, one focusing on the transmitter-RIS-receiver path gain and the other on the angular spread of multipath components, are presented and compared with both state-of-the-art theoretical models as well as full-wave simulation results.
The article concludes with a list of challenges and research directions for RIS design and modeling of RIS-parameterized channels at THz frequencies.
We invite you to read the full article (to be published soon):